Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine Autumn Annual Festival: Shinto procession, heroic horse chase [Kumamoto] (24/09/16 19:00) – YouTube


Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine Autumn Annual Festival: Shinto procession, heroic horse chase [Kumamoto] (24/09/16 19:00) – YouTube

藤崎八旛宮秋季例大祭 神幸行列、勇壮な馬追い【熊本】 (24/09/16 19:00) – YouTube
… 客でにぎわっている藤崎宮前です。大きな掛け声、そして太鼓の音があたり一帯 に響いています」 60団体、およそ1万2000人 … 外国人観光客も注 目する上七軒盆踊り…

Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine Autumn Annual Festival: Shinto procession, heroic horse chase [Kumamoto] (24/09/16 19:00) – YouTube
… This is Fujisakigu-mae, which is crowded with customers. Loud shouts and the sound of drums echo throughout the area.” 60 organizations, approximately 12,000 people…Foreign tourists also take note of the Kamishichiken Bon Odori …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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