French jockey Michel writes about his thoughts on coming to Japan this fall on SNS: “I hope to be able to win again in Japan…”


French jockey Michel writes about his thoughts on coming to Japan this fall on SNS: “I hope to be able to win again in Japan…”

フランス人騎手ミシェルがSNSで今秋来日への思いをつづる「日本でま た勝利できることを…」
フランスの女性騎手ミカエル・ミシェル(29)が20日に自身のSNSを更新、今秋来日への思いをつづった。 日本語で<OCT7(10月7日)からDec(12月)までだいすき な…

French jockey Michel writes about his thoughts on coming to Japan this fall on SNS: “I hope to be able to win again in Japan…”
French female jockey Michael Michel (29) updated her SNS on the 20th, writing about her thoughts on coming to Japan this fall. In Japanese,

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