Why I live in Japan [I’m a stayhome husband! A record of the child-rearing struggles of a French muscle dad] (BS TV Tokyo


Why I live in Japan [I’m a stay-at-home husband! A record of the child-rearing struggles of a French muscle dad] (BS TV Tokyo

ワタシが日本に住む理由【ボク専業主夫です!フランス筋肉パパの子育 て奮闘記】(BSテレ東
日本への憧れは募り続け…25歳で初来日。電線だらけの町並みはアニメで見 たまんま!そして何より感動したのが…YESかNOかハッキリ…

Why I live in Japan [I’m a stay-at-home husband! A record of the child-rearing struggles of a French muscle dad] (BS TV Tokyo
My admiration for Japan continues to grow…I came to Japan for the first time at the age of 25. The townscape full of electric wires is just like you saw in the anime! And what moved me most was…it was clear whether it was YES or NO.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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