How to collect word mouth? Explains the tips of “mechanism” that can be done without difficulty [4/25 (Tue) Free online]


How to collect word -of -mouth? Explains the tips of “mechanism” that can be done without difficulty [4/25 (Tue) Free online]

口コミの効果的な集め方は?無理なくできる”仕組み化”のコツを解説【 4/25(火)無料オンライン】
東京観光財団 観光おもてなしアドバイザー。京都府観光連盟 観光アドバイ ザー。 株式会社movが運営するお客様の声のDXサービス「口コミコム 」テクニカ ル…

How to collect word -of -mouth? Explains the tips of “mechanism” that can be done without difficulty [4/25 (Tue) Free online]
Tokyo sightseeing Foundation sightseeing hospitality advisor. Kyoto Prefectural Tourism Federation Tourism Advisor. MOV Co., Ltd.’s DX service “word -of -mouth comic” technical & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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