Screening of 13 latest and most talked-about Chinese movies, including those released for the first time in Japan! “Tokyo China Film Week” October 22nd…


Screening of 13 latest and most talked-about Chinese movies, including those released for the first time in Japan! “Tokyo China Film Week” October 22nd…

日本初公開含む中国映画の最新作・話題作13作品を一挙上映!「東京・ 中国映画週間」10月22日 …
授賞式にはシュー・ジェン(徐崢)、リウ・ハオラン(劉昊然)、フー・メイ(胡玫)等中 国映画界を代表する豪華来日ゲストに加え、各賞のプレゼンターとして、日 本映画…

Screening of 13 latest and most talked-about Chinese movies, including those released for the first time in Japan! “Tokyo China Film Week” October 22nd…
At the award ceremony, in addition to guests representing the Chinese film industry such as Xu Zhen, Liu Haoran, and Hu Mei, there were also presenters for each award. , Japanese movies …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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