Both the interior and the hood are black and white! What is the cafe you want to go to in your 50s? (Web Eclat) –Yahoo! News


Both the interior and the hood are black and white! What is the cafe you want to go to in your 50s? (Web Eclat) –Yahoo! News

インテリアもフードも白黒!50代が行ってみたいカフェって?(Web eclat) – Yahoo!ニュース
ちょっと面白いテーマのカフェ&ギャラリーが原宿にオープンと聞いて、行 ってきました。若い人むけ?いえいえ、おしゃれで美味しい、大人も使えるカフェな ん…

Both the interior and the hood are black and white! What is the cafe you want to go to in your 50s? (Web Eclat) –Yahoo! News
I heard that the cafe and gallery with a slightly interesting theme opened in Harajuku and went. Are you young? No, it’s a fashionable, delicious cafe that can be used by adults & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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