Aoi Festival Kyoto City A wide range of traffic restrictions for the first time in 4 years -Yahoo! News


Aoi Festival Kyoto City A wide range of traffic restrictions for the first time in 4 years -Yahoo! News

葵祭 京都市内広い範囲で交通規制 4年ぶり路頭の儀 – Yahoo!ニュース
葵祭が行われる5月15日、京都府警は京都市内の広い範囲で車両通行 止めなどの交通 … 観光客戻る京都の街に新たな問題・・・「従業 員が減った」飲食店に行列.

Aoi Festival Kyoto City A wide range of traffic restrictions for the first time in 4 years -Yahoo! News
On May 15, when the Aoi Festival is held, the Kyoto Prefectural Police Kyoto is a wide range of cars, etc. Tourism customers. A new problem in the Kyoto town … “The number of employees has decreased” queue in a restaurant.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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