GW, have the tourists recovered? Maid cafe, ramen, home appliances … I heard on site -MSN


GW, have the tourists recovered? Maid cafe, ramen, home appliances … I heard on site -MSN

GW、観光客は回復した?メイド喫茶、ラーメン、家電…現場で聞いた – MSN
新型コロナウイルス禍からの脱却を目指し、商店主らからは更なる観光回復 を望む声が聞かれた。 東京・秋葉原では、雨脚が強い時間帯もあったが、家 電量販店・・・

GW, have the tourists recovered? Maid cafe, ramen, home appliances … I heard on site -MSN
Aiming to break away from the new Coronavirus, the shopkeepers have heard that sightseeing recovery. Tokyo ・ In Akihabara, there were times when rain legs were strong, but consumer electronics retailers …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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