The shrine of Kyoto / Kamigamo Shrine is “Kamiyama” on the summit of the god of the gods.


The shrine of Kyoto / Kamigamo Shrine is “Kamiyama” on the summit of the god of the gods.

京都・上賀茂神社のご神体は「神山」 山頂には祭神の「降臨石」
京都市バスへの大型荷物持ち込み、観光客のみにあらず 置き場ス ペースある車両の意図…

The shrine of Kyoto / Kamigamo Shrine is “Kamiyama” on the summit of the god of the gods.
Kyoto Bring large luggage to city bus, sightseeing, not only customers, the intentions of vehicles with space & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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