Naoki Nakanishi Nakanishi (page 1/2) of the Shin Horse Religion around 700 years


Naoki Nakanishi Nakanishi (page 1/2) of the Shin Horse Religion around 700 years

立教開宗700年のころの真宗教団 中西直樹氏(1/2ページ) – 中外日報
著書に『新仏教とは何であったか―近代仏教改革のゆくえ』『近代本願寺論の展開』 『近代本願寺絵図と観光京都』など多数。 3月以降、東西本願寺を はじめ…

Naoki Nakanishi Nakanishi (page 1/2) of the Shin Horse Religion around 700 years
He has authored many books, such as “What was New Buddhism -Modern Buddhism Reforms”, “Development of Modern Honganji Temple theory”, “Modern Honganji Temple and Sightseeing Kyoto“. From March, including the East West Honganji Temple & nbsp;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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