Very crowded with inbound recovery! Is there a way to hit the JR Sagano Line?


Very crowded with inbound recovery! Is there a way to hit the JR Sagano Line?

インバウンド回復で大混雑!JR嵯峨野線に打つ手はあるか 「4扉ロング シート車の投入」「快速の …
今年に入り、JR嵯峨野線(京都~園部)の電車が大混雑に見舞われていま す。大混雑の要因は京都観光需要の回復です。沿線には京都屈指の観光地である…

Very crowded with inbound recovery! Is there a way to hit the JR Sagano Line?
This year, the JR Sagano Line ( Kyoto to Sonobe) has been hit very crowded. The cause of the great congestion is the recovery of sightseeing in Kyoto. Along the line, Kyoto is a sightseeing place & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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