The unique cylindrical speaker, 250,000 yen, the best concept award in Okinawa in the international trade fair …


The unique cylindrical speaker, 250,000 yen, the best concept award in Okinawa in the international trade fair …

独特な円筒形スピーカー、25万円から 国際見本市でベストコンセプト 賞 沖縄の知名オーディオが …
【東京】高級オーディオメーカーの知名御多出横(オーディオ)(沖縄市、知名亜美 子代表)は2日、東京都千. … 地下鉄から一歩先に踏み出した東京観光を!

The unique cylindrical speaker, 250,000 yen, the best concept award in Okinawa in the international trade fair …
[Tokyo] Luxury audio manufacturers’ well -known Go -Odoko (Audio) (Okinawa City, Amiko Amiko) on the 2nd, Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan … Tokyo Sightseeing of!
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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