An unknown “another Kiyomizu -dera Temple” What is the “stage” related to Musashi Miyamoto! ? Visit Kyoto “Tanukiyama Mt.


An unknown “another Kiyomizu -dera Temple” What is the “stage” related to Musashi Miyamoto! ? Visit Kyoto “Tanukiyama Mt.

知られざる「もうひとつの清水寺」宮本武蔵ゆかりの「舞台」と は!? 京都「狸谷山不動院」参拝 …
京都で舞台があるお寺と聞いたら、ほとんどの人が清水寺を思い浮かべるだ ろう。世界遺産に登録され、紅葉の名所としても評判が高い清水寺は、国内外の 観光客…

An unknown “another Kiyomizu -dera Temple” What is the “stage” related to Musashi Miyamoto! ? Visit Kyoto “Tanukiyama Mt.
If you hear the temple with the stage in Kyoto, most people will think of Kiyomizu -dera. Kiyomizu -dera Temple, which is registered as a World Heritage Site and has a reputation as a famous spot for autumn leaves, is sightseeing customers & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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