“Hozu River descending” Covered accidents are firefights in the rapid trends rescue training | NHK Kyoto Prefecture News


“Hozu River descending” Covered accidents are firefights in the rapid trends rescue training | NHK Kyoto Prefecture News

「保津川下り」転覆事故受け 消防が急流部分で救助訓練|NHK 京都府 のニュース
【NHK】ことし3月、亀岡市で観光客を乗せた「保津川下り」の舟が転覆し、 船頭2人が死亡した事故を受けて、地元の消防が新たに保津川の急流部分で救助訓練 …

“Hozu River descending” Covered accidents are firefights in the rapid trends rescue training | NHK Kyoto Prefecture News
[NHK] In March, a new local fire department was newly overturned in Kameoka City, with a sightseeing boat with customers overturned and killed two boatmen. Rescue training at the sudden flow of Hozu River …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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