I found it in Kyotango in northern Kyoto! You can meet handmade European lunch and picture books [La Fontaine]


I found it in Kyotango in northern Kyoto! You can meet handmade European lunch and picture books [La Fontaine]

京都北部の京丹後で見つけた!手作りの欧風ランチと絵本に出合える [ラ フォンテーヌ]
久美谷川の畔に佇む、小さなガーデン付きの一軒家。オーナーシェフの三島さんは、 京都市内で料理経験を積んだ後、妻の故郷である京丹後で独立開店。

I found it in Kyotango in northern Kyoto! You can meet handmade European lunch and picture books [La Fontaine]
A house with a small garden standing on the shores of the Kumitani River. Mishima, owner chef, has gained cooking experience in Kyoto, and opened independently in Kyotango, his wife’s hometown.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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