What are the fireworks schedule, time and highlights of Festa in Mirror 2023? Opening, parking, and access?


What are the fireworks schedule, time and highlights of Festa in Mirror 2023? Opening, parking, and access?

わたらいフェスタin鏡2023の花火日程・時間や見どころは?出店や駐車 場やアクセスは?
ただ、一部の観光サイトによると、約400台が駐車可能な駐車場があるみた い … 京都の高台寺の桜について、方丈庭園のしだれ桜の2023年見頃時期や 開花状況…

What are the fireworks schedule, time and highlights of Festa in Mirror 2023? Opening, parking, and access?
However, according to some sightseeing sites, there seems to be a parking lot where about 400 units can be parked. Sweet cherry blossoms in 2023 Viewing time and flowering status & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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