Shiba Inu James Jr. of Ukyo Station “Special Division Manager” “The bicycle is the left end of the road” …


Shiba Inu James Jr. of Ukyo Station “Special Division Manager” “The bicycle is the left end of the road” …

右京署「特命課長」の柴犬ジェームスJr.「自転車は車道の左端だワ ン」…啓発活動に一役
秋の全国交通安全運動が21日、始まった。観光シーズンが本格化し、夏休 みを終えた大学生も街に戻る。京都府警は自転車乗車時のヘルメット着用や 観光客への…

Shiba Inu James Jr. of Ukyo Station “Special Division Manager” “The bicycle is the left end of the road” …
The National Autumn National Traffic Safety Movement began on the 21st. The sightseeing season is in full swing, and college students who have finished summer vacation return to the city. Kyoto The Prefectural Police wears helmets when riding a bicycle and sightseeing & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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