Talk with Putin in Beijing


Talk with Putin in Beijing

北京でプーチン氏と会談 – タイ、ロシア人観光客のビザ延長 – 京都新 聞
タイ政府が明らかにした。タイ経済の柱の観光業でロシア人を誘致する狙 い。 ウクライナ侵攻を受けて欧州各国などがロシア人の入国を…

Talk with Putin in Beijing
The Thai government revealed. The aim is to attract Russians in the sightseeing industry of the Thai economic pillars. In the invasion of Ukraine, European countries and others enter the country of Russian & nbsp;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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