The highest peak of red beans. Tamba Daimyo Red beans are useful in the Japanese confectionery world -TRIP EDITOR


The highest peak of red beans. Tamba Daimyo Red beans are useful in the Japanese confectionery world -TRIP EDITOR

小豆の中の最高峰。丹波大納言小豆が和菓子界で重宝されるワケ – TRiP EDiTOR
京都をすみずみまで、歩いて食べて見て体験! 「KYOTO SIDE」は、観光、グルメ、イベント情報など、まだまだ知られざる京都府の魅力や情報 を発信し共有し…

The highest peak of red beans. Tamba Daimyo Red beans are useful in the Japanese confectionery world -TRIP EDITOR
Until the Kyoto, walk, eat, and experience it! “KYOTO SIDE” is a tourism, gourmet, event information, etc.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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