In the past, there were troubles … large baggage problems such as suitcases, Kyoto City Bus called for “empty -handed”


In the past, there were troubles … large baggage problems such as suitcases, Kyoto City Bus called for “empty -handed”

過去にはトラブルも…スーツケースなど大型の手荷物問題、京都市バス が「手ぶら」を呼びかけ
1年を通し、多くの観光客でにぎわう京都。移動手段として重宝され る「京都市バス」だが、観光客の増加にともない車内の混雑が続いて いる。

In the past, there were troubles … large baggage problems such as suitcases, Kyoto City Bus called for “empty -handed”
Throughout the year, Kyoto is full of sightseeing customers. The Kyoto city bus, which is useful as a means of transportation, is continuing congestion in the car with the increase in sightseeing customers.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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