“Real reason” that Tokyo people become enthusiastic “Kyoto fans” … Japanese “loss of food culture”


“Real reason” that Tokyo people become enthusiastic “Kyoto fans” … Japanese “loss of food culture”

東京人が熱狂的な「京都ファン」になる「ほんとうの理由」…日本人の 「食文化の喪失」
今年は、コロナ禍による行動制限がなくなったことに円安が加わり、海外旅行客が殺 到している。オーバーツーリズム問題の報道で、筆頭に挙げられる観光地 が…

“Real reason” that Tokyo people become enthusiastic “Kyoto fans” … Japanese “loss of food culture”
This year, the depreciation of the yen has been added to the lack of behavioral restrictions due to the corona. Sightseeing is the first sightseeing land in the report of the over -conryism issue.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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