Special dish for one night only! 8 famous restaurants in Kyoto and Fukui co -star “Kyoto x Fukui Dietary Country … – LEAF Kyoto


Special dish for one night only! 8 famous restaurants in Kyoto and Fukui co -star “Kyoto x Fukui Dietary Country … – LEAF Kyoto

一夜限りの特別料理!京都と福井の有名料亭8軒が共演する「京都×福 井 御食国 … – Leaf KYOTO
会場は、世界中から人気の高い福井県の[黒龍酒造]が手掛ける酒蔵観光施 設[ESHIKOTO]。特別会場として使用される一般非公開の「臥龍棟」は、高さ約 11メートル…

Special dish for one night only! 8 famous restaurants in Kyoto and Fukui co -star “Kyoto x Fukui Dietary Country … – LEAF Kyoto
The venue is a sake brewery sightseeing, which is handled by [Black Dragon Sake Brewery] in Fukui Prefecture, which is popular from all over the world. The general private “Wolong Wall”, which is used as a special venue, is about 11 meters high & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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