Keiji Yamada, former Governor of Kyoto “Let’s face the crisis of declining population from the front” –Nikkei Business Electronic Version
山田啓二・前京都府知事「人口減の危機に真正面から向き合おう」 – 日経ビジネス電子版
サンフランシスコで日本政府観光局の仕事をしたことは観光都市 京都の知事時代に大いに役立ちました。内閣で憲法の解釈や国会提出法案を 審査する法制局参事官…
Keiji Yamada, former Governor of Kyoto “Let’s face the crisis of declining population from the front” –Nikkei Business Electronic Version
The work of the Japanese government sightseeing in San Francisco was very useful in the sightseeing city Kyoto governor. Counselor’s Counselor & Nbsp; ……………
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.