From Taiwan to study baseball from Taiwan, go to high school / college for 15 years to leave Seibu with tears … WBC Taiwan representative


From Taiwan to study baseball from Taiwan, go to high school / college for 15 years to leave Seibu with tears … WBC Taiwan representative

台湾から野球留学、高校・大学へてドラフト指名 涙の西武退団まで来 日15年…WBC台湾代表
台湾から野球留学、高校・大学へてドラフト指名 涙の西武退団まで来日15 年…WBC台湾代表、夢の続きは「日台の懸け橋になりたい」【プロ野球12球団 去る人】.

From Taiwan to study baseball from Taiwan, go to high school / college for 15 years to leave Seibu with tears … WBC Taiwan representative
From Taiwan to study abroad from Taiwan, go to high school/college, and to leave the draft of the draft, Japan 15 years … WBC Taiwan representative, the continuation of the dream is “I want to be a bridge of Nodai” [Professional baseball 12 people who leave the team].
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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