Gifu City Tourism Target is genuine, active young people … “More power” enhanced DMO registration application


Gifu City Tourism Target is genuine, active young people … “More power” enhanced DMO registration application

岐阜市観光ターゲットは本物志向、アクティブな若者…「稼ぐ力」強化 DMO登録申請へ
東京・浅草寺の雷門前で記念撮影する外国人観光客ら=. 11月宿泊、前年比 16%増 外国人客は3倍、観光庁. (共同通信) 2023年12月26日 16:59.

Gifu City Tourism Target is genuine, active young people … “More power” enhanced DMO registration application
Foreign tourists, etc., who take a commemorative photo in front of Kaminarimon in Sensoji Temple, Tokyo =. In November, the number of foreign visitors increased 16 % year -on -year, the Tourism Agency. (Kyodo News) 2023 Monday 26th 16:59.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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