“I was scared and couldn’t act right away” “I hit the tsunami twice.”


“I was scared and couldn’t act right away” “I hit the tsunami twice.”

「怖くてすぐに行動できなかった」「2回ほど津波打ち寄せた」帰省中 の人も高台や学校へ 兵庫県 …
豊岡市の城崎温泉街は観光客でにぎわう中、地震の揺れがあり、外湯は閉 鎖 … 外国人に選ばれる時代来る」<ゲームチェンジ>. 12/30 19:35 社会 社会連載…

“I was scared and couldn’t act right away” “I hit the tsunami twice.”
The Kinosaki Onsen Town in Toyooka City is crowded with tourists, and there is an earthquake shaking, the outside hot water is closed … Age is selected as foreigners. 12/30 19:35 Social Society …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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