Kyoto is a hotel opening rush due to an increase in tourists! What is the problem … how do you secure human resources? -Yahoo! News


Kyoto is a hotel opening rush due to an increase in tourists! What is the problem … how do you secure human resources? -Yahoo! News

観光客増でホテル開業ラッシュの京都!悩みの種は…人材どう確保す る? – Yahoo!ニュース
16日開業するヒルトン・ガーデン・イン京都四条烏丸。観光需要の高 まりに合わせ 開業をおよそ半月早めました。現在、急ピッチで従業員の研修を進め ています…

Kyoto is a hotel opening rush due to an increase in tourists! What is the problem … how do you secure human resources? -Yahoo! News
Hilton Garden in Kyoto Shijo Karasuma, which will open on the 16th. Tourism The opening of the business was about half a month earlier with the growing demand. Currently, we are training for employees at a rapid pace & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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