Fujitsu is the 3rd Rice Bowl Rest Tournament MVP WR Grant in the trick play in the final TD [American football]


Fujitsu is the 3rd Rice Bowl Rest Tournament MVP WR Grant in the trick play in the final TD [American football]

富士通がライスボウル3連覇 大会MVPのWRグラントがトリックプレーで 決勝TD演出【アメフト】
コロナ禍で子供たちが来日できず、一緒に過ごせないつらい時もあったが、 みんなのおかげでここまで来られた。最高です」と、試合後のフィールドで涙を浮か べ…

Fujitsu is the 3rd Rice Bowl Rest Tournament MVP WR Grant in the trick play in the final TD [American football]
The children couldn’t come to Japan due to the corona, and there were times when they couldn’t spend together, but thanks to everyone, they came here. It’s the best, “says tears in the field after the game
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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