New wind foreigner in the community> ① Pemica Kanchanau Thai who sends the charm of the town to his home country on SNS …


New wind foreigner in the community> ① Pemica Kanchanau Thai who sends the charm of the town to his home country on SNS …

地域に新風 外国人>① まちの魅力をSNSで母国に発信する町職員 ペ ミカ・カンチャノータイ …
タイ人観光客のツアーは19年9月に始めた。5日間の日程で、書道体験な どの文化交流に加え、春は町特産ブロッコリーの種植え、夏は田園地帯のサイクリン グ、秋…

New wind foreigner in the community> ① Pemica Kanchanau Thai who sends the charm of the town to his home country on SNS …
The tour of Thailand Tourists began in September 2007. In the five -day schedule, in addition to cultural exchange such as calligraphy experience, planting the town special broccoli in spring, cycling in the rural areas in summer, autumn
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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