Killer Khan’s eldest daughter comes to Japan from Florida in the United States and is mourning …


Killer Khan’s eldest daughter comes to Japan from Florida in the United States and is mourning …

キラー・カーンさん葬儀に米フロリダから長女が来日、喪主務める…戒 名は「喜楽院釋成将」
昨年12月29日に76歳で亡くなった元悪役レスラーのキラー・カーンこと小澤正 志さん(店主・歌手名義はキラーカン)の家族葬が4日、東京都内の斎場で…

Killer Khan’s eldest daughter comes to Japan from Florida in the United States and is mourning …
Family funeral of Masashi Ozawa (Killer Kan is the name of Killer Kan), a former evil wrestler Killer Khan who died at the age of 76 last year on December 29th, at the 4th at the temple in Tokyo
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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