One vote disparity lawsuit, the Tokyo High Court rejects invalid claims | News nationwide -Kyoto Shimbun


One vote disparity lawsuit, the Tokyo High Court rejects invalid claims | News nationwide -Kyoto Shimbun

1票の格差訴訟、東京高裁が無効請求を棄却|全国のニュース – 京都 新聞
… グループが東京都と神奈川県の2選挙区と比例代表の選挙無効を求めた 訴訟の… … 京都の旅館女将、全国主張大会で優秀賞 観光マップ作り題材、 仕込みし…

One vote disparity lawsuit, the Tokyo High Court rejects invalid claims | News nationwide -Kyoto Shimbun
… The group was a lawsuit that demanded the election invalid of the proportional representatives in the Tokyo capital and Kanagawa prefecture … Sightseeing Map making material, preparation & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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