Incorporating foreign tourists is the key … What is the view of this year’s sightseeing in Kagoshima in aftercorona? -Gnossy


Incorporating foreign tourists is the key … What is the view of this year’s sightseeing in Kagoshima in aftercorona? -Gnossy

外国人観光客の取り込みがカギに…アフターコロナの鹿児島の観光 今 年の展望は? – グノシー
鹿児島読売テレビ 県内を訪れる観光客はコロナ禍前の水準に戻りつつありま す。しかしインバウンドの回復や人材不足などの課題も。観光業界のトップが集 う…

Incorporating foreign tourists is the key … What is the view of this year’s sightseeing in Kagoshima in aftercorona? -Gnossy
Tourists visiting Kagoshima Yomiuri TV Prefecture are returning to the level before Corona. However, issues such as inbound recovery and shortage of human resources. The top of the tourism industry gathers …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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