High price, deceleration in the United States and Europe, the 8th wave … GDP 1 year minus -General -Tokyo Shimbun


High price, deceleration in the United States and Europe, the 8th wave … GDP 1 year minus -General -Tokyo Shimbun

景気回復の足かせとなる物価高、米欧の減速、第8波…GDP1年ぶりマイナ ス成長 – 東京新聞
コロナの影響が緩和し、観光客でにぎわう東京・浅草。 … される のが水際対策の大幅緩和によるインバウンド増加と、政府の全国旅行支援による 観光需要だ。

High price, deceleration in the United States and Europe, the 8th wave … GDP 1 year minus -General -Tokyo Shimbun
Tokyo and Asakusa are lived in sightseeing customers. … What is done is the increase in inbound due to greatly alleviating water on the water shore, and the sightseeing demand by the government’s national travel support.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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