800 old philosophy of 800 years to protect culture Sonoya Izumi Izumi Family Shigeutei Bunko Kimiko Reizumi


800 -year -old philosophy of 800 years to protect culture Sonoya Izumi Izumi Family Shigeutei Bunko Kimiko Reizumi

文化守る 800年の気負いなき哲学 和歌の宗家 冷泉家時雨亭文庫 常 務理事冷泉貴実子さん
… 人・藤原定家の子孫で、約800年もの間、和歌の宗家として伝統文化を守り伝 えてきた。今、その家の前を大勢の外国人観光客が行き過ぎる。近代化、そ し…

800 -year -old philosophy of 800 years to protect culture Sonoya Izumi Izumi Family Shigeutei Bunko Kimiko Reizumi
… a descendant of the person, Sadamichi Fujiwara, and has been informed and transmitted traditional culture as a waka sect for about 800 years. Now, a large number of foreign tourists go in front of the house. Modernization, so …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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