Nagoya won the FW Patrick who left Kyoto … Kenta Hasegawa to form a re -tag! “Many joy …


Nagoya won the FW Patrick who left Kyoto … Kenta Hasegawa to form a re -tag! “Many joy …

名古屋、京都退団のFWパトリックを獲得…長谷川健太監督と再タッグ結 成に! 「多くの喜びを …
1987年10月26日生まれのパトリックは現在36歳。母国ブラジルの複数クラブを渡り歩 いた後、2013年にJリーグに来日した生粋の“点取り屋”は、川崎フロンター レ…

Nagoya won the FW Patrick who left Kyoto … Kenta Hasegawa to form a re -tag! “Many joy …
Patrick, born on October 26, 1987, is currently 36 years old. After walking around multiple clubs in Brazil, the genuine “Potterpot” that came to Japan in the J -League in 2013 was Kawasaki Frontale
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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