The Over -Tourism problem that the Prime Minister’s Office also started to move, Vegas is unrelated | Las Vegas Taizen


The Over -Tourism problem that the Prime Minister’s Office also started to move, Vegas is unrelated | Las Vegas Taizen

首相官邸も動き出したオーバーツーリズム問題、ベガスでは無縁のワ ケ | ラスベガス大全
たとえばイタリアのベネチアやフィレンチェ、日本でいうならば京都の清水 寺や夏期の富士山などがその代表例だ。 観光公害とも呼ばれたりしているこ のオーバー…

The Over -Tourism problem that the Prime Minister’s Office also started to move, Vegas is unrelated | Las Vegas Taizen
For example, Venice and Firche in Italy are typical examples of Kiyomizu -dera Temple in Kyoto and Mt. Fuji in the summer. This over which is also called tourism pollution;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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