Yamaguchi City NY Times is selected at 52 travel destinations around the world -Hokkaido Shimbun


Yamaguchi City NY Times is selected at 52 travel destinations around the world -Hokkaido Shimbun

世界の旅行先52カ所に山口市 米紙NYタイムズが選出 – 北海道新聞
昨年、同紙は「23年に行くべき52カ所」に盛岡市と福岡市を選出。両市は外 国人観光客から注目が集まった。 この記事の続きをお読みいただくには、購 読…

Yamaguchi City NY Times is selected at 52 travel destinations around the world -Hokkaido Shimbun
Last year, the newspaper selected Morioka and Fukuoka City for “52 places to go in 23 years”. Both cities attracted attention from foreign tourists. To read this article, subscribe …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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