What happens to the 2024 Spring Festival? Future Chinese inbound trends in the latest data on “popular point review” | Word mouth lab


What happens to the 2024 Spring Festival? Future Chinese inbound trends in the latest data on “popular point review” | Word -of -mouth lab

2024年の春節はどうなる?「大衆点評」最新データに見る今後の中国イ ンバウンド動向 | 口コミラボ
観光庁「訪日外国人消費動向調査」; 国土交通省「国際線 … 今回も2月 10日から8連休とかなりの大型連休となっており、中国人観光客の動きが気に なるところです。

What happens to the 2024 Spring Festival? Future Chinese inbound trends in the latest data on “popular point review” | Word -of -mouth lab
The Tourism Agency “Visit to Japan Foreign Trends Survey”; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism “International flights … 8 consecutive holidays from February 10th, and it has been a considerable holiday, and Chinese I am worried about the movement of tourists.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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