Always add new “ideas” | Yoshiomi Tamai Vol. 13 –Asunaga Ikueikai


Always add new “ideas” | Yoshiomi Tamai Vol. 13 –Asunaga Ikueikai

新しい「発想」を常に継ぎ足せ|玉井義臣よりVOL. 13 – あしなが育英 会
では、後に続けたかった言葉は何だったのか? それを思い出させてくれたのが、先 日来日したあしながUSA代表エリサさんの「新しいアイディアでアメリカの募 金活動…

Always add new “ideas” | Yoshiomi Tamai Vol. 13 –Asunaga Ikueikai
So what was the word you wanted to continue later? Remembering that was the other day I came to Japan, the representative of Asa USA representative Elisa, “American donation activities with new ideas …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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