Column “Big Dipper” | News -Komeito Party


Column “Big Dipper” | News -Komeito Party

コラム「北斗七星」 | ニュース – 公明党
… 日中平和友好条約締結45周年を記念する展示会が開催され、来日した◇徐 氏は73歳。ひげが胸まで伸び、仙人を思わせる風貌。「猿王」の異名を持ち、猿を描 か…

Column “Big Dipper” | News -Komeito Party
… An exhibition commemorating the 45th anniversary of the Japan -China Peace Friendship Treaty was held, and coming to Japan is 73 years old. The beard stretches to the chest, reminiscent of a hermit. Has the nickname of “monkey king”, draw monkeys …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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