The hotel industry is “from quantity to quality” … “Koto consumption” shifting to accelerate movement to luxury and experience while traveling.


The hotel industry is “from quantity to quality” … “Koto consumption” shifting to accelerate movement to luxury and experience while traveling.

ホテル業界は「量より質へ」…高級化への動き加速、旅先での体験を重 視する「コト消費」移行進む
観光庁が発表した2023年の訪日外国人の消費額が初めて5兆円の大台を 突破し、政府が昨年策定したばかりの目標を早くも達成した。中国人観光客を中心と…

The hotel industry is “from quantity to quality” … “Koto consumption” shifting to accelerate movement to luxury and experience while traveling.
The Tourism Agency announced by the 2023 visit to Japan foreigners exceeded the 5 trillion yen of the costs for the first time, achieving the goals that the government just formulated last year. Focusing on Chinese tourists
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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