Reservations 7.6 times from the previous year, inbound restaurant reservation service “Savor JAPAN”, “Best Restaurant …


Reservations 7.6 times from the previous year, inbound restaurant reservation service “Savor JAPAN”, “Best Restaurant …

予約数前年比7.6倍、インバウンド向け飲食店予約サービス『SAVOR JAPAN』、「Best Restaurant …
「Best Restaurant Award 2023-2024」公開─訪日外国人から支持を集めたレ ストランを発表─ … 観光客が増えている <予約者の国・エリア別人気ジャ ンル…

Reservations 7.6 times from the previous year, inbound restaurant reservation service “Savor JAPAN”, “Best Restaurant …
“BEST RESTARANT AWARD 2023-2024” Released-Announcement of restaurants that have gained support from foreigners visiting Japan … Tourists are increasing

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