Former Chunichi Rodriguez, a contract agreement with Blue Jays for $ 32 million | Baseball King


Former Chunichi Rodriguez, a contract agreement with Blue Jays for $ 32 million | Baseball King

元中日・ロドリゲス、4年3200万ドルでブルージェイズと契約合意か | BASEBALL KING
昨年3月に行われたWBCでキューバ代表に選出されたが、大会後来日せず、キ ューバから亡命しメジャー球団の移籍を模索。昨季、中日で1試合も登板することな く…

Former Chunichi Rodriguez, a contract agreement with Blue Jays for $ 32 million | Baseball King
He was selected as Cuba representative at the WBC last March, but did not come to Japan after the tournament, but fled from Cuba and searched for a major team transfer. Last season, without pitching one game in Chunichi …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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