Tokyo crude oil, the highest price Corona infection in 8 months China is the highest in China | Nationwide News -Kyoto Shimbun


Tokyo crude oil, the highest price Corona infection in 8 months China is the highest in China | Nationwide News -Kyoto Shimbun

東京原油、8カ月ぶり安値 コロナ感染最多の中国が景気減速|全国の ニュース – 京都新聞
休日明け24日の東京商品取引所で中東産原油の先物が急落した。 … 京 都・宇治の旧発電所は「知る人ぞ知る観光の穴場」 歴史伝える煉瓦の建物.

Tokyo crude oil, the highest price Corona infection in 8 months China is the highest in China | Nationwide News -Kyoto Shimbun
On the 24th of the holidays, the Tokyo product exchanges have plunged into the Middle East crude oil. … The old power plant in Kyoto and Uji is a brick building that conveys the history of sightseeing that is known to those who know it.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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