Motivation to promote IT conversion of companies Ohara at the New Year Congratulations on the Yaizu merchant -Shizuoka Shimbun


Motivation to promote IT conversion of companies Ohara at the New Year Congratulations on the Yaizu merchant -Shizuoka Shimbun

企業のIT化推進に意欲 焼津商議所 新春祝賀会で小原会頭 – 静岡新 聞
昨年に多くの外国人観光客が市内で宿泊した事例を紹介し「焼津を含めた地 区を活気あるエリアにしていく」と近隣自治体との連携の必要性を訴えた。さら に…

Motivation to promote IT conversion of companies Ohara at the New Year Congratulations on the Yaizu merchant -Shizuoka Shimbun
Last year, many foreign tourists stayed in the city, and appealed to the need for cooperation with neighboring local governments, saying, “We will make the districts including Yaizu a lively area.” Ta. Further …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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