Signs of inbound resurrection … Sweets, snow scenery, marine products, ninja experiences “Do something special about the memories of your trip …


Signs of inbound resurrection … Sweets, snow scenery, marine products, ninja experiences “Do something special about the memories of your trip …

インバウンド復活の兆し…スイーツ、雪景色、海産物、忍者体験「旅の 思い出に特別なことをし …
外国人観光客=インバウンドをオモテナシする準備も進んでいます。 通訳案 内士「北海道はインバウンドがすごく盛んで、これはチャンス」 ユニークな観光ス ポット…

Signs of inbound resurrection … Sweets, snow scenery, marine products, ninja experiences “Do something special about the memories of your trip …
Foreign tourists = preparations for the inbound is also progressing. Interpreter “Inbound is very popular in Hokkaido, this is a chance” unique sightseeing spot …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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