A red flame in the night sky … Fire hand air landing from an airplane flying in the United States #shorts –Youtube


A red flame in the night sky … Fire hand -to -air landing from an airplane flying in the United States #shorts –Youtube

夜空を赤い炎が…米 飛行中の飛行機から火の手 緊急着陸 #shorts – YouTube
外国人観光客の“駆け込み寺” 「観光案内所」は年末年始も大忙し 原宿・新 宿で密着【Jの追跡】【スーパーJチャンネル】(2024年1月20日). ANNnewsCH New 15K views.

A red flame in the night sky … Fire hand -to -air landing from an airplane flying in the United States #shorts –Youtube
Foreign tourists ‘s “Running Temple” “Tourist Information Center” is busy in the year -end and New Year holidays. Annnewsch New 15k views.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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