The mayor of the Kyoto mayor announces, 5 newcomers are notified of the candidate … Voting on February 4th -Live De News


The mayor of the Kyoto mayor announces, 5 newcomers are notified of the candidate … Voting on February 4th -Live De News

京都市長選挙が告示、新人5人が立候補届け出…2月4日投開票 – ライ ブドアニュース
京都市長選は21日告示され、新人5人が立候補を届け出た。観光客 の急増に伴う観光公害(オーバーツーリズム)や人口減少対策などが争点と なる。

The mayor of the Kyoto mayor announces, 5 newcomers are notified of the candidate … Voting on February 4th -Live De News
Kyoto Mayor’s election was announced on the 21st, and five newcomers reported their candidates. Tourism Sightseeing Sightseeing pollution (overtourism) and population decline measures are issues.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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