“Passion Continent” features Tomoki Koizumi, a designer of Tomoizumi’s first solo exhibition and a performance in Sam Smith in Japan …


“Passion Continent” features Tomoki Koizumi, a designer of Tomoizumi’s first solo exhibition and a performance in Sam Smith in Japan …

「情熱大陸」がトモ コイズミのデザイナー小泉智貴を特集 初の個展や サム・スミス来日公演の衣装 …
レディー・ガガ(Lady Gaga)が来日時に同ブランドのドレスを着用したほか、ニ ューヨークでファッションショーを開催するなどして知名度を上げ、2023年 2024年…

“Passion Continent” features Tomoki Koizumi, a designer of Tomoizumi’s first solo exhibition and a performance in Sam Smith in Japan …
Lady Gaga (Lady Gaga) wore a dress of the same brand on the day and time, holding a fashion show in New York, raised its name recognition, 2023 …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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