The opening game at Sanfrecce new stadium will be 23rd next month | NHK Hiroshima News


The opening game at Sanfrecce new stadium will be 23rd next month | NHK Hiroshima News

サンフレッチェ 新スタジアムでの開幕戦は来月23日|NHK 広島のニ ュース
【NHK】サッカーJ1の今シーズンの日程が発表され、広島市の新しいサッカースタ ジアムで行われるサンフレッチェの開幕戦は来月23日の午後2時キックオフ…

The opening game at Sanfrecce new stadium will be 23rd next month | NHK Hiroshima News
[NHK] The schedule of this season of soccer J1 has been announced, and the opening round of Sanfrecce, which will be held at a new soccer stadium in Hiroshima City, is 2:00 pm on the 23rd of next month …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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